Dear Mama's
Loving Arms
Dear Mama's Loving Arms is a heartwarming story told from the perspective of a child about the importance of a mother's embrace. Dear Mama and Baby love to laugh and play all day. But what happens when Baby can't be in Dear Mama's arms? Maybe Dear Mama can be in Baby's dreams...
Industry Reviews
"5 STARS! Ceece Kelley's 'Dear Mama's Loving Arms' celebrates the love and closeness of an infant and his mother. This is a grand selection for a bedtime story or perhaps just before a nap."
Jack Magnus, Reviewer,
Readers' Favorite
"The acknowledgement of the child's perception of motherly love is also especially nicely done, and is rare in a picture book world presented from adult viewpoints: 'No nap, Dear Mama! I smile sweetly and bat my long lashes. But nap time is calling me.'"
D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer,
Midwest Book Review
“Soothing, lyrical and sweet,
'Dear Mama's Loving Arms' is a lullaby of love, sure to resonate with anyone who knows the joys of holding their
little one.”
Glenys Nellist, author of The Wonder That is You and the Snuggle Time series.